Acupuncture therapy involves the use of thin, solid needles inserted at points and regions on the body. It is used for the treatment of a range of illnesses and dysfunction both acute and chronic.
Acupuncture has also long been used for health maintenance, addressing non-specific signs and symptoms such as tiredness, feelings of being run down and poor-quality sleep. Treatment application ranges from musculoskeletal conditions through to systemic conditions and may include dysfunction affecting the organs, muscles, circulation and their related function. As such, acupuncture treatment is not just for those with illness or injury but is useful to assist with maintaining optimal health.
Dynamic Healthcare practitioners are highly trained in the use of acupuncture, having specialised in its application through detailed, long and intensive undergraduate and postgraduate study. Different acupuncture techniques are used for treating different conditions and your practitioner will determine which approach is best for your presenting condition.
Acupuncture therapy involves the use of thin, solid needles inserted at points and regions on the body. This is done to bring about a beneficial therapeutic outcome to assist in the alleviation, control and/or management of pain and dysfunction. While acupuncture is associated with 'needles', acupuncture as a treatment option involves more than just the use of needles. The treatment integrates needles and manual therapy (massage/myotherapy)
B.Hlth Sc (UWS)
M.Pod.Med (UWS)
We aim to educate and deliver exeptional healthcare that meets the needs of our patients and the community we serve.
Tel 02 9728 4373
Fax 02 8764 8460
Address 31 The Crescent, Fairfield NSW
Mon - Sat
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm